A Little About Us
We are a church located in Wisconsin Rapids near Mid-State Technical College and Washington Elementary School. We as a congregation who whole-heartedly believe that we should be a blessing on the community. Our vision is to ""To glorify God by serving our community with the love of Christ." (Matthew 28.18-20). Over the years we have opened our doors to many and offered a free meal each month to anyone who wants to join us. We have fostered a relationship with Washington Elementary, and have taken the time to talk to those that may be unable to leave their homes. We ultimately want to glorify God and put love into action, by intentionally connecting with, embracing,
and serving our community.

Beliefs & Affiliations
Sunday Worship
Worship is an active response to God through which believers declare his worth and celebrate a personal relationship with God. Worship is not about us, but about focusing our mind's attention and our heart's affection on the Lord himself. We glorify God for who God is and what God does.
Biblical Teaching
We believe the Bible to be the Word of God, practical and relevant to our daily lives.
Alliance of Reformed Churches (Alliance)
We are a part of the Alliance of Reformed Churches and follow their guidelines when it comes to Biblical teachings and how we live our lives daily. For more information regarding the Alliance you can check out their website at https://arc21.org/.
Our Pastor
We are excited that we have extended a call to a new pastor who has accepted the position starting in August 2023. More information will be provided at that time.
Supporting Guest Ministers
Pastor Andy Lickel
Pastor Andy is an ordained minister with the Reformed Church. He is the Associate Regional Director of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship serving campuses across the upper Midwest. We appreciate Pastor Andy's support, guidance, and sermons.

Pastor Bob Ross
Pastor Bob has been a guest minister at Faith Reformed Church for over ten years. He is an ordained minister and the owner of the Edger based Robert Ross Construction LLC. We appreciate Pastor Bob's support and willingness to preach at Faith Reformed Church twice per month.

Some History
Our church is part of one of the newest active denominations in the United States, the Alliance of Reformed Churches (Alliance). It is a historic denomination coming out of the Reformation when the church was “reformed” according to the Word of God.